I have seen that my app crashes when used with the Allocation Instrument. When looking at the device logs, I can tell that it is a 'Low memory' crash. My app process in addition to others used by my app were jettisoned. Here is how the device logs look:
MyAPP <09da004ccd82e7a2c54e0ea6ab4eab24> 1990 (jettisoned) (active)
MobilePhone <6d3241e15be58311a76700272febc6d4> 635 (jettisoned)
accessoryd <6a25188f645a24b167cda5e0a86d486a> 121 (jettisoned)
I do not encounter any crashes when the app is running without instruments and the app is perceived by users to be performant. I have been focussing on solving this problem for a couple days (pretty much all my code is commented to find the issue).
My question is - Could the app crashing when used in conjunction with instruments pose a problem to the end user? Or is this only going to cause me issues when debugging memory issues?
Note 1: I am not interacting with the app AT ALL when using it with instruments. It loads a view controller, makes a asynch service call which returns results that are then populated into two tableviews. Not a lot to deallocate as the objects are still required.
Note 2: Here is a snippet of LIVE object lists from the Allocations Instruments (sorted by size in desc order) when the app crashes. As you can see MYAPP is not really the main offender (seemingly)
Size(bytes) Responsible Library Responsible Caller
131072 UIKit -[UIView(Internal) _subclassImplementsDrawRect]
45056 CoreGraphics zone_malloc
16384 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
11264 Foundation NSPopAutoreleasePool
8192 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
8192 Foundation NSLogv
7680 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
7680 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
7680 CoreGraphics argb32_mark_constmask
5120 CoreGraphics CGDataProviderCreateWithCopyOfData
4608 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
4608 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
4608 libCGFreetype.A.dylib ft_allocate
4096 libSystem.B.dylib __stack_chk_fail
4096 QuartzCore CA::Transaction::create()
4096 Foundation NSPushAutoreleasePool
4096 MYAPP -[CJSONScanner scanNotQuoteCharactersIntoString:]