



Let's assume the following code:

#include <externalLib/bar>

 * Bla blubb bla.
class Foo : public Bar

How do I tell doxygen that it should list also the members of the inherited class, even if this is an external class?

To be more precise: The external lib is (OpenSceneGraph) also documented via doxygen, but no tag file is generated. Since it's open source I could generate one myself, but our developers should not be forced to create it when just running their local "make doc". I could use doxytag to generate a tag file out of the HTML but this does not work somehow. The generated tag file is very empty, and if I use the all HTML files doxygen crashes when reffered to the such created tag file :( So doxytag + installdox is unfortunately not an option here.

My solution to this is: make a special doxgenfile, a OpenSceneGraph checkout, build a custom tag file and OpenSceneGraph doc, use this tag file on server only, so all developers have at least a linked API published from our server. Strange, very tedious, so sad that doxytag won't work as expected.