




I want to have a copy of the currently running instance.

When i change a value in the copy, original object is also affected. The copy acts as an instance.

How to avoid this? I need to create an independent copy of the calling object.

 Set operator+(Set s){
             Set temp = *this;  

             for(int i=0; s.elements[i] != '\0'; i++){
             temp.elements[0] = 'X'; // <- this affects calling object also :(

             return temp;

+8  A: 

The problem is that Set temp = *this; makes a shallow copy, not a deep copy. You will have to modify the copy constructor and assignment operators for the Set class so that they make copies of all the member/contained objects.


class Set
        elements = new SomeOtherObject[12];
        // Could make elements a std::vector<SomeOtherObject>, instead

    Set(const Set& other)

    Set& operator=(const Set& other)
        return *this;

    void AssignFrom(const Set& other)
        // Make copies of entire array here, as deep as you need to.
        // You could simply do a top-level deep copy, if you control all the
        // other objects, and make them do top-level deep copies, as well

    SomeOtherObject* elements;
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
I had already overloaded = operator as i needed to do unions in sets. Set operator=(Set s){ elements = s.elements; //overrides element of "this" return *this; }
@Sara: There's a difference between __assignment__ (change an existing, initialized object) and __copy-construction__ (initialize an object for the first time). If you need one, you likely need both plus the destructor. See [The Rule of Three](
+1 for shallow copy.
Green Code
thanks. i think i should go deep into theories first :)
@Merlyn: Considering this is an answer for a newbie, your code should IMO not leave out the dtor.
Hi, Can you please have a look at the code i've added below? thanks in advance...
Please don't implement your Big Three this way. Use the [copy-and-swap idiom](
@Gman, sbi: Good points. I don't program in C++ daily, and forget to use idioms like this (thankfully I make sure to bone up on them again when I actually write code for pay, but apparently I got lazy here =P). I will edit the answer to implement this correctly, and post links to big-three and copy-and-swap idioms.
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
+3  A: 

This probably depends on how Set is implemented. If the assignment operator and the copy constructor haven't been overloaded to do a deep copy(including elements) then it won't work as expected.

+2  A: 

Have you implemented a copy constructor for your class? Default copy constructor will copy any pointer in your class, but not the content you are pointing to. You need to create a copy constructor or overload the '=' operator.

Benoit Thiery
+5  A: 

Not that your function already makes two copies, since it takes its argument and returns its result per copy:

Set operator+(Set s);

So you wouldn't have to copy s, because it's already copied. I suppose this is involuntarily, so you might want to read about how to pass objects to functions and how to return objects from function in C++.

The problem you're reporting, though, hints at your copy constructor not working properly. Did you implement the copy constructor or are you using the compiler-supplied one?


Ok. I went through rule of three and did the following changes... Can you point out what's wrong with this?


using namespace std;

class Set{
  char *elements;

         Set() {
              elements = new char('\0');
              index = -1;

         Set(const Set& cpy){
                  *this = cpy;

         Set operator+(Set s){
             Set temp = *this;       // IMPORTANT! copy constructor of Set is called, "this" is passed as argument
                                     // * = current OBJECT, else returns ADDRESS of current object

             for(int i=0; s.elements[i] != '\0'; i++){

             return temp;

         Set& operator=(Set s){  
              delete [] elements;
             elements = new char[strlen(s.elements) + 1];
             strcpy(elements,  s.elements); //overrides element of "this"

             return *this;

Your code looks like a better start, but you are missing a destructor. Check out RAII and the big three/rule of three.,
Merlyn Morgan-Graham
For one, your code is not compiling. In your constructor Set(), you are using `index = -1`; where `index` is not declared anywhere. Secondly, in your operator overloading method `operation+(Set s)`, you are using `temp(s.elements[i])` where `temp` is not a function; it's an object! What are you trying to do?
+1  A: 

I would avoid a char pointer completely and use std::string instead. This way you dont even need a copy constructor and an assigment operator because the compiler generated once will do just fine. (because 'elements' of the 'Set' class is copy-constructible and has an assignment operator) Here is my solution:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Set{
  std::string elements;

         Set() {
             elements = "";

         explicit Set(char* _elements) {
             if (_elements)
                elements = _elements;

         Set operator+(const Set& s){
             Set temp(*this);    

             temp.elements += s.elements;
             return temp;


Btw. I added a constructor from char* so that 'elements' can somehow be initialized from outside. Not sure if this is what you wanted.

yeah, but that doesn't teach 'memory allocation' responsibility to the OP