



Hi all,

I have developed a WCF Service hosted on IIS. We have a core Java application that needs to communicate with this service. So far I have been able to use Net Beans to generate a Web Service Client by pointing it at the service wsdl and all is good. The built jar is then taken into an Eclipse project, referened there and its functionality is used by the Core.

This is working fine but I'd really like to remove Net Beans from the equation for Continuous Integration and unit testing reason (not to mention using a separate Java IDE just to get a client proxy from the service).

Broad question but can someone point me at a library/plugin etc, that can generate this proxy natively in Eclipse.

Any further info? Please let me know.

Many thanks.


I've come across the wsimport ant task. Am I right in saying that I could use this ant task to generate the proxy classes during a build?