



Hi everybody,

I am implementing a google map on the contact page of this website:

The map displays in the rectangle on the top of the page. Everything is working fine on Firefox, but nothing is displayed on Safari & Chrome...

Here is the way I implement it:

<script src=";amp;v=2&amp;amp;key=ABQIAAAA8yt4eBY5BILk0ExOfUVIuxTtIfr4IreHJHupahKP7IIqKlsN7BQG4crqM32UzthNoFP_54xDooNNNQ&amp;amp;sensor=true" type="text/javascript"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">

        function createMarker(point,text) {
          var marker = new GMarker(point);
          GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {   marker.openInfoWindowHtml(text);  });
          return marker;
        function load() {
            if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
                var Lat=46.983707;
                var Lng=6.904106;
                var Zoom=13;
                var TextAffiche="<strong>VQT<\/song><br/>Verre & Quartz Technique SA<br/><br/>Rue de Maillefer 11d<br/>2000 Neuchatel";

                var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("contactMap"));
                    map.setCenter(new GLatLng(Lat,Lng ),Zoom );
                    map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl3D());
                    map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

                var point = new GLatLng(Lat,Lng);

                var new_icon = new GIcon()  
                    new_icon.image = "";  
                    new_icon.size = new GSize(50, 32);  
                    new_icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(0,0);  
                    new_icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(0,0); 

                    var opt;  
                    opt = {};  
                    opt.icon = new_icon;  
                    opt.draggable = false;
                    opt.clickable = true; 
                    opt.dragCrossMove = false;  

                var marker = new GMarker(point,opt);//createMarker(point,TextAffiche);
        $("body").attr("onload", "load()");
        $("body").attr("onunload", "GUnload()");


and here is my html:

<div class="normalContent">
            <div id="contactMap" class="borderedImages"></div>

Do you know what is wrong in there? I really don't understand why it's working somewhere and not working somewhere else...

Thank you for your help!


Hi, I restarted from a tutorial and it's now working:

The main difference is the call of the load function, which now is on the body attributes:

  <body onload="load()" onunload="GUnload()">

So I guess the problem was here... Thank you for your help!
