I am setting up a Neo4j based system in jRuby running on glassfish. Glassfish as with most rails systems allows for some mechanism to run multiple instances. In glassfish case there is an internal setting for the thread pool size.
My issue is that I am having problems with the Neo4j database being opened more than once and this is causing an error. I am in the process of upgrading to Rails3 to pull in the latest Neo4j.rb but in the mean time wanted to assure I had the right server setup.
Below is my setup:
# # GlassFish configuration. # # Please read the comments for each configuration settings before modifying. # # application environment. Default value development environment: staging # HTTP configuration http: # port port: 3000 #address address: # context root. The default value is '/' contextroot: / # Grizzly is NIO based HTTP libraries used by GlassFish gem grizzly: chunking-enabled: true request-timeout: 30 send-buffer-size: 8192 max-keepalive-connextions: 256 keepalive-timeout: 30 thread-pool: idle-thread-timeout-seconds: 900 max-queue-size: 4096 max-thread-pool-size: 5 min-thread-pool-size: 2 #Logging configuration log: log-level: all jruby-runtime-pool: initial: 1 min: 1 max: 5 daemon: enable: true jvm-options: -server -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:NewRatio=2 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Dhk2.file.directory.changeIntervalTimer=6000