



I've picked up some SQL similar to the following:

IF EXISTS(SELECT name FROM tempdb..sysobjects WHERE name Like N'#tmp%'
 and id=object_id('tempdb..#tmp'))

into #tmp
select * from permTable

I need to add more data to #tmp before continuing processing:

insert into #tmp
select * from permTable2

But this gives errors because SQL has assumed sizes and types for #tmp columns (e.g. if permTable has a column full of ints but permTable2 has column with same name but with a NULL in one record you get "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'IsPremium', table 'tempdb.dbo.#tmp").

How do I get #tmp to have the types I want? Is this really bad practise?

+2  A: 

Have you considered creating a table var instead? You can declare the columns like such

declare @sometable table(
     SomeField [nvarchar](15),
     SomeOtherField [decimal](15,2));
Christopherous 5000
Cool, looks good. Is sometable created in the same place, have the same life cycle etc as #tmp?
Table vars go out of scope with the proc or function, where temp tables go out of scope at the end of the session. See for some more details
Christopherous 5000
Great link, thank you
+1  A: 

This is why select into is a poor idea for your problem. Create the table structure specifically with a create table command and then write two insert statements.