



I am wondering if the counter_cache would work in single table inheritance.

For these models:

class User
  has_many :questions

class Question
  belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true

class SimpleQuestion < Question
class ComplexQuestion < Question

So will the following counters work?

create_table(:users) do |t|
  t.integer :questions_count
  t.integer :simple_questions_count
  t.integer :complex_questions_count
  1. All of them work
  2. None of them work
  3. Only questions_count work
  4. Only simple_questions_count and complex_questions_count

Which one? I am guessing the 3rd, but I want 4 more. If it's not 4, how do I make 4 work?

=== UPDATE ===

Here is an example:

id, user_id, question_content, type
1, 3, something, SimpleQuestion
2, 3, something, SimpleQuestion
3, 3, something, ComplexQuestion

So now I want:

user.questions_count # => 3
user.simple_questions_count # => 2
user.complex_questions_count # => 1

My question is, what's the basic behavior of :counter_cache => true and is it possible to apply on single table inheritance?

+1  A: 

Looking through the source code where ":counter_cache" is implemented, it does not look like it supports the sort of counting you need. Fortunately, it is easy to roll your own here. Just update Question to track the counts manually, like so:

class Question
  belongs_to :user

  after_create :increment_counts
  before_destroy :decrement_counts


  def increment_counts
    User.increment_counter :questions_count, user_id
    User.increment_counter "#{type.pluralize.underscore}_count", user_id

  def decrement_counts
    User.decrement_counter :questions_count, user_id
    User.decrement_counter "#{type.pluralize.underscore}_count", user_id
Ben Lee
Shouldn't I use `after_create` instead of `after_save`? So you mean the `counter_cache` would not work for `questions_count`? How about `simple_questions_count` and `complex_questions_count`? They would work on `belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true`?
Yes, you're right. It should be afer_create, not after_save. Just a typo on my part. For questions_count, "counter_cache => true" would work, but I figure if you're going to have manual counter callbacks anyway, might as well put the questions_count logic there too. For simple_questions_count and complex_questions_count, Rails currently offers no built-in solution -- that's what the manual callbacks are for.
Ben Lee
I've updated the code snippet above to fix the after_create typo.
Ben Lee