
counter cache doesn't update but I can save to the parent and the child

I added a counter cache but can't get it to update. But I can update the parent - the Blog Post model by adding a new blog post - and I can update the child - Comments model - by adding a new comment. The counter cache is supposed to keep track of the total number of comments per blog post by auto-updating the blog_posts.comments_count f...

Multiple counter cache columns with aasm

I am looking for a way to cache the number of each state. I have done counter caching before, but is there a way to create multiple counter_cache columns for each state and keep them updated or should I look elsewhere for caching these values. aasm_column :state aasm_initial_state :unopened aasm_state :unopened aasm_state :contacted a...

How to implement Linq-to-Sql counter cache with concurrency and transactions support?

I have a scenario where I want to have a question object and users can concurrently add answer objects to the question object. The question object needs to maintain the answer count. How can I do an implementation in Linq2Sql that transactionaly saves the answer object that the user submitted to the question and updates the incremented...

Rails Models counter_cache column initialization

I'm using rspec for testing and hornsby scenarios for object graphs used in tests. Is it good practice to initialize counter cache columns to 0 value instead of leaving them uninitialized (nil)? Or should i define default value in migrations that create those counter cache columns? ...

[Rails] counter_cache is stale in after_create hook

I rely on a counter cache value in an after_create hook of my model. However, my hook is called before the counter cache gets updated, thus breaking a computation. Is there any way to force a counter cache "flush" so that I always see an up-to-date value in after_create? ...

counter_cache rails a child creation should increment the count intwo different models based on condition

Hi, I have 3 models Recommendation Job Qualification Recommendation model has two fields as work_type and work_id(foreign key for job/qualification based on work_type as "J"/"Q") I am facing problem in using counter_cache I have done this in recommendation.rb belongs_to :job , :counter_cache => true, :foreign_key => "work_id" b...

Accessing ruby counter cache

Hi all, I'm playing around with a fork of acts_as_taggable_on_steroids as a learning exercise. The version I'm looking at does some stuff I don't understand to calculate Tag counts. So I thought I'd do a version using PORC (Plain Old Rails Counters): class Tagging < ActiveRecord::Base #:nodoc: belongs_to :tag, :counter_cache => "tag...

How to implement a Counter Cache in Rails?

I have a posts controller and a comments controller. Post has many comments, and comments belong to Post. The associate is set up with the counter_cache option turned on as such: #Inside post.rb has_many :comments #Inside comment.rb belongs_to :post, :counter_cache => true I have a comments_count column in my posts table that is defa...

counter_cache not decrementing for has_many associations in ActiveReord

My Rails 3 app has 2 models and a third that's join table between them and their has_many relationships. Basically, User and Show are joined by SavedShow, allowing users to save a list of shows: class Show < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :saved_shows has_many :users, :through => :saved_shows end class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_...

counter_cache in single table inheritance

I am wondering if the counter_cache would work in single table inheritance. For these models: class User has_many :questions end class Question belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true end class SimpleQuestion < Question end class ComplexQuestion < Question end So will the following counters work? create_table(:users) do |t| ...