



I have a group of people who have taken a test. I can select their IDs with this query:

SELECT person_id
FROM tests
WHERE test_code = 1234

I'd like to pull these individuals' records from a demographics table, so I tried this subquery to do so:

FROM demographics d
WHERE d.person_id IN (
    SELECT t.person_id
    FROM tests t
    WHERE t.test_code = 1234

... but I'm not getting any results. If I take a couple of the IDs from the (functional) subquery and hard-code them into the IN criteria:

FROM demographics d
WHERE d.person_id IN (01123, 58132)

... the query works. I've got to be missing something really fundamental here - do you know what it is?

Possible complicating factors: t.person_id is char13, d.person_id is varchar50. This is MS SQL Server 9.0.4035; I'm working in SQL Server Management Studio.

Thanks in advance for your help!

+2  A: 

The problem may be that TESTS.PERSON_ID is coming in with trailing blanks on it since it's declared as CHAR instead of VARCHAR. I'm not sure how to remove trailing blanks in SQL Server (it's been a while since I used it), but in Oracle I'd use the TRUNC function, as in

  FROM demographics d 
  WHERE d.person_id IN ( 
    SELECT TRUNC(t.person_id )
      FROM tests t 
      WHERE t.test_code = 1234 ) 

Edit: I believe the equivalent function in SQL Server is RTRIM.

Share and enjoy.

Bob Jarvis
Oracle: TRUNC(t.person_id)SQL: LTRIM(RTRIM(t.person_id))
Vidar Nordnes
@Vidar, @ig0774: I looked it up and you're both right; LTRIM(RTRIM(...)) is equivalent to Oracle's TRUNC, but RTRIM is really what's needed. Thanks. :-)
Bob Jarvis
I believe that this the issue. The SQL Server trim functions are LTRIM and RTRIM. Try the hard-coded query using (' 01123', ' 58132') as the argument to the IN clause to verify.
Actually, it was *leading zeroes*. The demographic IDs all have three zeroes affixed to the front... hmm. But this got me thinking about the right things. Thanks!
Matt Parker
FROM demographics d 
WHERE d.person_id IN ( 
    SELECT person_id 
    FROM tests 
     WHERE test_code = 1234 

Have you tried it without the t. in the subquery? as looking at your original subquery your not giving the table tests an alias of t...

Wes Price
Yes, I had validated that the subquery worked as written (which, ahem, was not exactly as I had it written here - Larry caught a typo in my table aliasing).
Matt Parker

I've never tried a subquery in an IN clause, so I can't guarantee this works, but try this:

FROM demographics d 
WHERE d.person_id IN ( 
    (SELECT t.person_id 
    FROM t.tests 
    WHERE t.test_code = 1234) 

I simply added parentheses around your subquery, which is common practice. Again, I've never tried a subq in an IN clause so can't guarantee this works but it's worth a shot.

Brian Driscoll
+2  A: 

First off, you are not aliasing tests properly. Should be:

FROM demographics d
WHERE d.person_id IN (
    SELECT t.person_id
    FROM **tests t**
    WHERE t.test_code = 1234

Secondly, if t.person_id returns any NULLs you will not get any results.

Larry Lustig
NULLs only have this affect for `NOT IN`
Martin Smith
Sorry, that was just a typo. Good attention to detail, though.
Matt Parker
@Martin — Thank you, I stand corrected. The database I most use does not implement that NULL issue according the SQL standard, something I usually appreciate. Until recently, SQLite3 did the same.
Larry Lustig