



I have been looking around for a website that can automatically provide me we content relative to either a city/state combo, or a zip code. Essentially I want to have a bit of content pertinent to where my user actually is. Does anybody know of any online services that provide something like this? I also wouldn't be opposed to spidering content from a site that provides data like this (with their consent obv.) Thanks!

Addition I was asked to clarify what I meant by content. Basically all I need is local news for a specified area.


Take a look at It's a listing of nearly all businesses in the USA in REST API form, searchable by address / zip code / latitude / longitude / etc. You can also search by industry code (e.g. Restaurants), thus solving the "nearby places to eat" part of your question.

Eugene Osovetsky

There are actually several providers in this space.

CitySearch which has been renamed to CityGridMedia has a Publisher API where you can get their business listings, reviews, and other services:

fwix's local API also provides basic geographic data along with local news:

GeoAPI was recently purchased by twitter, and it provides a reverse geocoder, business listing information, and a bunch of other services:

SimpleGEO also has a very compelling service offering with their mobile SDKs along with their API. You can search by radius, lat/lon, or by address: also has some great hyperlocal news information which is bundled up into a easy to use API:

Similar to CityGridMedia, MerchantCircle has an API that provides a listing of states, cities, zips, and categories. Along with business listing information, coupons, and reviews:

That's just the tip of the iceberg. There are other API services that specialize in more niche categories like Real Estate, Events, Hotels, etc.
