I want to read a sound file from application bundle, copy it, play with its maximum volume level(Gain value or peak power, I'm not sure about the technical name of it), and then write it as another file to the bundle again.
I did the copying and writing part. Resulting file is identical to input file. I use AudioFileReadBytes() and AudioFileWriteBytes() functions of AudioFile services in AudioToolbox framework to do that.
So, I have the input file's bytes and also its audio data format(via use of AudioFileGetProperty() with kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat) but I can't find a variable in these to play with the original file's maximum volume level.
To clarify my purpose, I'm trying to produce another sound file of which volume level is increased or decreased relative to the original one, so I don't care about the system's volume level which is set by the user or iOS.
Is that possible to do with the framework I mentioned? If not, are there any alternative suggestions?
edit: Walking through Sam's answer regarding some audio basics, I decided to expand the question with another alternative.
Can I use AudioQueue services to record existing sound file(which is in the bundle) to another file and play with the volume level(with the help of framework) during the recording phase?
update: Here's how I'm reading the input file and writing the output. Below code lowers the sound level for "some" of the amplitude values but with lots of noise. Interestingly, if I choose 0.5 as amplitude value it increases the sound level instead of lowering it, but when I use 0.1 as amplitude value it lowers the sound. Both cases involve disturbing noise. I think that's why Art is talking about normalization, but I've no idea about normalization.
AudioFileID inFileID;
CFURLRef inURL = [self inSoundURL];
AudioFileOpenURL(inURL, kAudioFileReadPermission, kAudioFileWAVEType, &inFileID)
UInt32 fileSize = [self audioFileSize:inFileID];
Float32 *inData = malloc(fileSize * sizeof(Float32)); //I used Float32 type with jv42's suggestion
AudioFileReadBytes(inFileID, false, 0, &fileSize, inData);
Float32 *outData = malloc(fileSize * sizeof(Float32));
//Art's suggestion, if I've correctly understood him
float ampScale = 0.5f; //this will reduce the 'volume' by -6db
for (int i = 0; i < fileSize; i++) {
outData[i] = (Float32)(inData[i] * ampScale);
AudioStreamBasicDescription outDataFormat = {0};
[self audioDataFormat:inFileID];
AudioFileID outFileID;
CFURLRef outURL = [self outSoundURL];
AudioFileCreateWithURL(outURL, kAudioFileWAVEType, &outDataFormat, kAudioFileFlags_EraseFile, &outFileID)
AudioFileWriteBytes(outFileID, false, 0, &fileSize, outData);