




Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let us say that I have two XCode projects open on a Mac and I am going back and forth between them. Is there any hot key that can do this (rather then constantly using the mouse). Something analogous to COMMAND + TAB to flip through applications.

Thank you!


Not to my knowledge, sorry

Tomas Cokis
hmmmm... if you don't know, why would you answer? Especially if you are feeling uncertain?
Eric Brotto
The answer was actually a uncertain no, as in, I'm I thought that there was not. I was wrong, but its still a valid answer. Also, your comment imply's I wasn't sure about not knowing.
Tomas Cokis
+5  A: 

Command ` (above tab on US/en keyboards) will go through open windows in the current app. Use shift to reverse the direction.

That is totally it! Rock on, my brother!
Eric Brotto
haha - you rock on as well =)
Note that this is not specific to Xcode - you can use this to cycle through windows in pretty much any app.
Paul R