



I am confused about the advantages of using the the




types against simply using const bools in the context of template metaprogramming.

The boost::mpl library clearly prefers the first approach, and defines helper functions like and_, or_ to help manage such bool_. Conditional metafunctions like if_ "take" a bool_ as first (template) argument, but behind the scenes "call" a if_c metafunction wich expects a (const) bool as first (template) argument.

What are the arguments behind this decision?

Thank you in advance for your help!

+1  A: 

I suppose one reason is that bool_<...> are types, and when using them as results of a meta functions, you will never have to stop and think whether your result is a type and you have to do

typedef some_type result;

or a value, which has to be returned as

const static ??? result = some_value;

where you also have to keep track of the type.

Also, I suspect (I haven't worked with Boost.MPL yet) that they both have a result type nested referring to themselves, so that you can write meta functions by just deriving from them:

template< bool b >
struct my_meta_func : bool_<b> {};

and can invoke my_meta_func::result.

+6  A: 

Here is a short example, how I use these types every now and then. This example would not be possible, using const bool:

void do_something(boost::mpl::bool_<true>)

void do_something(boost::mpl::bool_<false>)

Call one of these two functions depending on the type of argument:

template<class T>
void doIt(void)

In this case either the first or the second function will be called, depending on the fact if type T is a pointer or not. These types allow you to use function overloading, where it would not be possible using a const bool. With a const bool you would have to decide at runtime, which branch to take. This is specially important if called functions are themselves templates, which would not compile correctly, if they were instantiated for types other than expected, e.g. the first function definition above might contain code, which only compiles for pointers.

Thank you that's a good example!
Oh yeah, I forgot about overloading!