




For an upcoming project, one of the requirements is to translate the web application in a few languages, one of which is in Arabic.

I know plenty about dealing with multiple languages, and know plenty about unicode. What I'm wondering is if there's some basic tips and recommendations I can follow anticipating an Arabic translation for my HTML templates.

Edit: I'm mostly curious how to build an application that's easily translatable. With all LTR-languages it's often times a matter of string replacement (along with a few other things), what does it take to build an app, but make it relativaly easy to add arabic support later on. Are there things I can consider before starting?

+3  A: 
I underestimated the usefulness of dir.. Just that will get me a long way, thanks so much!
I've noticed dir only deals with table order and text alignment (mostly). How about interface design, any tips there?
@Evert, unfortunately I don't really have any UI tips. I'm a developer at Formstack, our Arabic support for our forms simply use the dir attribute and we haven't had any complaints... I'm sure other improvements do exist.