I'm using SDL_Image to display a JPEG on screen and having some issues with the resolution it's being displayed at.
I understand that if I pass 0 to width, height and bits when calling SDL_SetVideoMode that SDL takes the current modes values, however these seem to be wrong in my case.
I'm running this on an embedded linux system with a custom display (LED screen of 1440x900) and the framebuffer is 1280x720.
The JPEG is displayed but seems to be 640x480 and therefore leaves large parts of the screen white. When I specify width and height with SDL_SetVideoMode I get an error:
SDL_SetVideoMode: No video mode large enough for 1280x720
Here's the main code I'm using:
pImage = IMG_Load(file);
pScreen = SDL_SetVideoMode(0,0,0,SDL_ANYFORMAT);
Anyone have any ideas/pointers?