



Hi I have made a game and I have used OpenGL for its graphics.the OS is ubuntu 10.04. The game is multiplayer.For its testing I am unable to find any tool/software for low bandwidth and high latency.I mean I want to find the appropriate network conditions so as to run my game !

Can sm1 please tell me any good links to go to !!!!or any software that can ease my work ! thnx.


I started making a list, but found a few duplicates already on stackflow, like this one:

In addition to tools/techniques there, I would also add my favorite:

The wiki page for NetLimiter lists a few other options as well.

hi kaliatech .... on the first link u have given to me I had already used NetEm for linux for testing.But I could not find a way on how to test for Low Bandwidth Networks.
Mark Taylor
And as far as netlimiter is concerned it is for Windows and not for Unix like OS(ubuntu specifically).
Mark Taylor
Sorry, I completely missed that it was an Ubuntu client. I thought you could do rate limiting with NetEm? I did quick search and came across a potential problem with NetEm documentation regarding rate limiting. Perhaps this would help you: ?