Is there any possible way that a generic type can be used to contain a child of a base class.
From the assignment given to me, I am to create something similar to the following in structure.
template <class T>
class Fruit {
int count;
int location_id;
T type;
virtual void displayInfo();
class Apple : private Fruit<Apple> {
int variety;
void displayInfo() {
printf("Location %i has %i of %s in stock", location_id, count, variety);
Fruit<Apple> appleinventory[SIZE];
Basically, I think you can't have a template generic type be the same as a derived class. Am I wrong? Is there something similar that would possibly work?
Update: For the assignment, I believe we are to use inheritance to show use of virtual functions. I've updated the code above. I think this would work, but does NOT need templates to be successful. We have not covered any advanced, redundant inheritance methods in class.