Our company has 4 business entities, so I have created 4 different databases for each company to be used for Human Resource service. Let's call that as a Group, Company1, Company2, and Company3. Even though they are all different databases, tables and store procedures(SP) are almost same except Group. Group is a database that gets summarized data from each company. I did create this way because of security purpose, but now it is kind of hard to manage. When I change a SP for company1, then I have to do same thing for company2 and company3. All 4 databases have same a employee master table,so when someone is added to companies, then that person has to be added to the employee table of Group DB by trigger or SP which I don't have to if they are in one table of a database. by the way, I try not to use view at Group DB. I have to keep adding SP, trigger, and job into the database in order to communicate Group DB and other three company DBs.
Now I have to create two more companies, so I have to consider this matter whether I have to keep creating same tables and SP again as a separate database or not.
What is your opinion for creating this types of database? Would you prefer one DB for all companies or separated 4 databases? Please, I'd like to share your opinion. Thanks.