I'm completely new to OOP PHP and currently reading "PHP Objects, Patterns and Practice". I needed to develop something that will generate a GeoRSS feed. This is what I have (it works perfectly, I would just like some critique as to what I could do different / more efficiently / safer):
class RSS {
public $channel_title;
public $channel_description;
public $channel_link;
public $channel_copyright;
public $channel_lang;
public $item_count;
public function __construct ($channel_title, $channel_description, $channel_link, $channel_copyright, $channel_lang) {
$this->channel_title = $channel_title;
$this->channel_description = $channel_description;
$this->channel_link = $channel_link;
$this->channel_copyright = $channel_copyright;
$this->channel_lang = $channel_lang;
$this->items = "";
$this->item_count = 0;
public function setItem ($item_pubDate, $item_title, $item_link, $item_description, $item_geolat, $item_geolong) {
$this->items[$this->item_count]['pubDate'] = date("D, j M Y H:i:s T",$item_pubDate);
$this->items[$this->item_count]['title'] = $item_title;
$this->items[$this->item_count]['link'] = $item_link;
$this->items[$this->item_count]['description'] = $item_description;
$this->items[$this->item_count]['geo:lat'] = $item_geolat;
$this->items[$this->item_count]['geo:long'] = $item_geolong;
$this->items[$this->item_count]['georss:point'] = $item_geolat." ".$item_geolong;
public function getFeed () {
foreach ($this->items as $item => $item_element) {
$items .= " <item>\n";
foreach ($item_element as $element => $value) {
$items .= " <$element>$value</$element>\n";
$items .= " </item>\n";
$feed = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
. "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:geo=\"http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#\" xmlns:georss=\"http://www.georss.org/georss\">\n"
. " <channel>\n"
. " <title>".$this->channel_title."</title>\n"
. " <description>".$this->channel_description."</description>\n"
. " <link>".$this->channel_link."</link>\n"
. " <copyright>Copyright ".date("Y")." ".$this->channel_copyright.". All rights reserved.</copyright>\n"
. " <lang>".$this->channel_lang."</lang>\n"
. $items
. " </channel>\n"
. "</rss>";
return $feed;