



Heres a snippet:

translate("a", "4").
translate("m", "/\\/\\").

tol33t([], []).
tol33t([Upper|UpperTail], [Lower|LowerTail]) :-
    translate([Upper], [Lower]),
    tol33t(UpperTail, LowerTail).

Basically what i want to do is look up in the table for a letter and then get that letter and add it to the new list.

What i have works if its a character, but I'm not sure how to append the new list of characters with the old.

Example input:

l33t("was", L). It will be put through like this: l33t([119,97,115], L).

Now that should come back as: [92,47,92,47]++[52]++[53] or [92,47,92,47,52,53]

Problem is i don't know how to append it like that.

+1  A: 

Consider these modifications to tol33t/2:

tol33t([], []).
tol33t([Code|Codes], Remainder) :-
    translate([Code], Translation), !,
    tol33t(Codes, Rest),
    append(Translation, Rest, Remainder).
tol33t([Code|Codes], [Code|Remainder]) :-
    tol33t(Codes, Remainder).

The first clause is the base case.

The second clause will succeed iff there is a translation for the current Code via translate/2, as a list of characters of arbitrary length (Translation - note you had [Lower] instead, which restricted results to lists of length 1 only). The cut (!) after the check for a code translation commits to finding the Rest of the solution recursively and then appends the Translation to the front, as the Remainder to return.

The third clause is executed iff there was no translation for the current Code (i.e., the call to translate/2) in the second clause. In this case, no translation for the Code means we just return it as is and compute the rest.


If you don't have cut (!), the second and third clauses can be combined to become:

tol33t([Code|Codes], Remainder) :-
    tol33t(Codes, Rest),
    (translate([Code], Translation) ->            
        append(Translation, Rest, Remainder)
    ;   Remainder = [Code|Rest]

This (unoptimized) version checks, at every Code in the character list, if there is a translate/2 that suceeds; if so, the Translation is appended to the Rest, else the Code is passed through unchanged. Note that this has the same semantics as the implementation above, in that solutions are commited to (i.e., simulating a cut !) if the antecedent to -> (translate/2) succeeds. Note that the cut in both implementations is strictly necessary; without it, the program will backtrack to find solutions where Code bindings are not translated where there exists an applicable translate/2 clause.

I had done something pretty close to what you have there. Problem is i can't use the cut, so that's why i keep getting stuck
Actually this should be ok without the check to see if the translate even exists. Thanks!
Aha... if you can't use cut, you could use `->` instead. I'll add the code in an edit.