I don't clearly understand this line : // get the file's size first
cbLeftToReceive = sizeof( dataLength );
BYTE* bp = (BYTE*)(&dataLength) + sizeof(dataLength) - cbLeftToReceive;
cbBytesRet = sockClient.Receive( bp, cbLeftToReceive );
// test for errors and get out if they occurred
if ( cbBytesRet == SOCKET_ERROR || cbBytesRet == 0 )
int iErr = ::GetLastError();
TRACE( "GetFileFromRemoteSite returned
a socket error while getting file length\n"
"\tNumber of Bytes received (zero means connection was closed) = %d\n"
"\tGetLastError = %d\n", cbBytesRet, iErr );
/* you should handle the error here */
bRet = FALSE;
goto PreReturnCleanup;
// good data was retrieved, so accumulate
// it with already-received data
cbLeftToReceive -= cbBytesRet;
while ( cbLeftToReceive > 0 );
I want to know how get it get size of the file to dataLength :)
This line : BYTE* bp = (BYTE*)(&dataLength) + sizeof(dataLength) - cbLeftToReceive;
does it right that bp is a byte pointer of dataLength addr but what + sizeof(dataLength) - cbLeftToReceive
mean ?
I don't think the file is that small : 4 bytes, just onc Receive how can they receive dataLength and data ? Does it send dataLength first and data after ?