




I have been trying to figure out if it is possible to programmatically resize an NSArray, by code similar to this:

NSArray *resize = [NSArray arrayResized:oldarray size:10];

Which would a new NSArray (Not a NSMutableArray if it is possible) that has the elments after the end of oldarray padded with [NSNull null].

+1  A: 

Since NSArray objects are immutable (cannot change the objects they contain) there's no use in adjusting the capacity of NSArrays.

You could however, write a category that did something along the lines of what you want:

@interface NSArray (Resizing) 

-(NSArray *) resize:(NSInteger) newSize;


@implementation NSArray (Resizing)

-(NSArray *) resize:(NSInteger) newSize {
   int size = (newSize > [self count]) ? self.count : newSize; 
   NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:size];
   for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) 
      [array addObject:[self objectAtIndex:i]];
   return [NSArray arrayWithArray:array];

Jacob Relkin
Oh yes, I was using the wrong object for the wrong situation, sorry :)
Richard J. Ross III
(Among other issues) That code would raise an exception if newSize is greater than the count of the receiver...
@retainCount, By all means, please explain.
Jacob Relkin
@retainCount, I fixed that issue, please tell me what other issues you see.
Jacob Relkin
-[NSArray objectAtIndex:] raises an exception if the index is out-of-bounds. If newSize is greater than the count of the receiver, you'll eventually invoke -objectAtIndex: with an out of range value.
@retainCount, well now that I've got the size to be less than or equal to the size of the receiver, that's not an issue anymore.
Jacob Relkin
@retainCount, What other issues can you point out?
Jacob Relkin
I was providing an answer below. Patience :-) Your snippet doesn't actually perform the desired task, which is to expand an array with NSNull instances. The array returned from -[NSArray (Resizing) resize]: has the same count as the receiver. -[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:] is a *hint* to NSMutableArray to pre-allocate a sufficient quantity of buckets to hold the objects that would be added to it. NSArray doesn't have the concept of an empty slot.

You want NSPointerArray.

Alex Gordon
Richard J. Ross III
NSPointerArray is a bit like NSMutableArray but it is properly designed for being resized via the setCount: message. Seems to be exactly what you're looking for. I added a link to the docs.
Alex Gordon
Worth pointing out that it's not available on iOS, if anyone wanted to try that.
Yep, wont work for me because I am using the project for the iOS, forgot to put that in my answer
Richard J. Ross III
+2  A: 

While your question merits a "What are you really trying to do?", here is a possible solution:

@interface NSArray (RCArrayAdditions)
- (NSArray *)arrayByAppendingWithNulls:(NSUInteger)numberOfAppendedNulls;

@implementation NSArray (RCArrayAdditions)
- (NSArray *)arrayByAppendingWithNulls:(NSUInteger)numberOfAppendedNulls {
    NSMutableArray *expandedArray = [self mutableCopy];
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numberOfAppendedNulls; i ++) {
        [expandedArray addObject:[NSNull null]];
    return expandedArray;