





I got this problem " 'UINT64_C' was not declared in this scope" while using the ffmpeg library for Eclipse running under Ubuntu.

After a while, I have found this solution: http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegsource/issues/detail?id=11

But I could not know how to this:

This should be fixed in our build system no matter what version of ffmpeg you're using. If you're still getting it, run configure like so: CFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ./configure and your problems should go away. This applies to other C++ programs using ffmpeg as well and not just to ffms2, but I can't guarantee that other programs won't break if you define that macro (they really shouldn't, though).

Where can I run the configure? from Terminal? I tried with Terminal but it does not work.

Anybody has an idea how to run the configure?

Thanks in advance and your help is much appreciate!


run in directory, where you have ffmpeg sources extracted and you see "configure" file

Hi Fazo, Thanks for your answer but I could not locate the ffmpeg folder. It is under usr/include/ so, how could I locate to this folder in ubuntu? Thanks in advance
you need to find directory location in project explorer under eclipse.