I got this problem " 'UINT64_C' was not declared in this scope" while using the ffmpeg library for Eclipse running under Ubuntu.
After a while, I have found this solution: http://code.google.com/p/ffmpegsource/issues/detail?id=11
But I could not know how to this:
This should be fixed in our build system no matter what version of ffmpeg you're using. If you're still getting it, run configure like so: CFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS ./configure and your problems should go away. This applies to other C++ programs using ffmpeg as well and not just to ffms2, but I can't guarantee that other programs won't break if you define that macro (they really shouldn't, though).
Where can I run the configure? from Terminal? I tried with Terminal but it does not work.
Anybody has an idea how to run the configure?
Thanks in advance and your help is much appreciate!