Basically I'm reading the contents of a file using fstream then converting it to const char* type. I'm supplying this to Lua, and Lua will do something with this. This however does not work. What does work is if I do:
const char* data = "print('Hello world')";
luaL_pushstring(L, data);
luaL_setglobal(L, "z");
They both are in the type const char* type and they are both the same string (e.g. I compared the two lengths). Except one works, and the other. I'm baffled. Any help here? Here is the code:
std::string line,text;
std::ifstream in("test.txt");
while(std::getline(in, line))
text += line;
const char* data = text.c_str();
luaL_pushstring(L, data);
luaL_setglobal(L, "z");
Here is the Lua code: