



I found this piece of C++ code on a forum that I can't fully understand. Since I don't have their library that performs matrix/vector math, I need to manually figure it out and replicate the functionality.

Calculate Euler rotation angles between 2 vectors .. we use Rodrigues formula

    vector $V1 = << my first vector >>;
    vector $V2 = << my second vector >>;

    vector $axis;
    float $angle;

    $angle = acos($V1*$V2);
    $axis = normalizeVector((cross($V1,$V2)));

    matrix $axis_skewed[3][3] = <<
    0, (-$axis.z), ($axis.y) ;
    ($axis.z), 0, (-$axis.x) ;
    (-$axis.y), ($axis.x), 0 >>;

    matrix $eye3[3][3] = <<
    1, 0, 0;
    0, 1, 0;
    0, 0, 1 >>;

From here onwards things get tricky:

    // here's Rodrigues
    $R = $eye3 + sin($angle)*$axis_skewed + (1-cos($angle))*$axis_skewed*$axis_skewed;

do you add all the properties of the eye3 matrix?
do you multiply with all the properties of the axis_skewed matrix?
and what is R? a vector or matrix? or number?

This is simple.

    matrix $vectorMatr[3][1];
    $vectorMatr[0][0] = ($V1.x);
    $vectorMatr[1][0] = ($V1.y);
    $vectorMatr[2][0] = ($V1.z);

Again, this is tricky:

    // $result is the resulting vector

    $result = ($R * $vectorMatr);

do you multiply the vector with the matrix to get the resultant vector using standard matrix multiplying?
do you multiply the two matrix's and then transform the point using the matrix?

+2  A: 

I'm pretty sure that's psuedocode. It's definitely not C++. All the functions are pretty self explanatory.

acos() --- self explanatory

$V1 * $V2 --- dot product (note:, that would normally be interpreted as a regular matrix multiplication, but but in the context of "float $angle = acos($V1*$V2);", it doesn't make sense as anything other than a dot product)

cross() --- cross product

normalizeVector() --- self explanatory

sin($angle)*$axis_skewed --- this is a scalar multiply

get it?


$R = $eye3 + sin($angle)*$axis_skewed + (1-cos($angle))*$axis_skewed*$axis_skewed;

$eye3 -- is a 3x3 matrix

sin($angle)*$axis_skewed --- this is a scalar multiply, resulting in another 3x3 matrix

(1-cos($angle))*$axis_skewed --- this is a scalar multiply, resulting in another 3x3 matrix

(previous)*$axis_skewed --- this is a regular matrix multiplication, resulting in another 3x3 matrix

That leaves us with:

$R = [3x3 matrix] + [3x3 matrix] + [3x3 matrix]

Which is just regular entrywise matrix addition.

I got those, but as I said the `$R = ` part is the one I find hard to understand. Could you shed some more light on that?
By scalar multiply you mean the scalar value is multiplied with every value in the matrix separately?
@Jenko -- Yes, that is correct.
And by matrix addition you mean scalar addition? Or addition of all the row values (eg. turning a 3x3 matrix into a 1x3) then adding those 2 matrix's together? .. entry-wise sum?
@peter - meaning? whats transpose?
@Jenko -- I mean Entrywise addition:
Maybe see here: seems excessively verbose but you could probably just copy and paste the C function to do this, void vl_rodrigues(double* R_pt, double* dR_pt, const double* om_pt)
peter karasev
+2  A: 

From what I can tell the last part is a stanadard matrix multiplication. A [3x3] times a [3x1] will yield a [3x1]. I don't like the syntax its not easy to read...


$R is a [3x3] matrix as pigpen has shown, R= [3x3]+sin(scalar)[3x3]+(1-cos(scalar))[3x3]*[3x3].

The second term is a [3x3] with each element scaled by sin(angle), the third term is a matrix multiplication of a [3x3]*[3x3], resulting in another [3x3].

That third element is also scaled by the factor (1-cos(angle)).

The resultant R is performed element wise (i.e. if I have a R[3x3]=S[3x3]+T[3x3], R[1,1]=S[1,1]+T[1,1] then R[1,2]=S[1,2]+T[1,2].... etc.

If you're looking to do something similar to this example just use Matlab - the syntax you posted is confusing and not easily read.

On a side note quaternions require less operations to perform a 3D rotation than Euler angles (and don't run into issues around pi/2), so if you have a couple days spend the time reading up on them. There isn't too much behind the math either, so give it a shot!

Thanks for the help. What about the `$R =` part?
$R is a [3x3] matrix as pig pen has shown.
oops also needed to add: $R is a [3x3] matrix as pig pen has shown, R= [3x3]+sin(scalar)*[3x3]+(1-cos(scalar))*[3x3]*[3x3]. The second term is a [3x3] with each element scaled by sin(angle), the third term is a matrix multiplication of a [3x3]*[3x3], resulting in another [3x3]. That third element is also scaled by the factor (1-cos(angle)). The resultant R is performend element wise (i.e. if I have a R[3x3]=S[3x3]+T[3x3], R[1,1]=S[1,1]+T[1,1] then R[1,2]=S[1,2]+T[1,2].... etc.

You're trying to do the matrix exponential of $axis_skewed[3][3] , for which Rodrigues is a shortened form.

I suggest you just use OpenCV's cv::Rodrigues function if you're putting this in C++...

cv::Mat axis_skewed;

..... // put the values into axis_skewed

cv::Mat R; // will be 3x3 when done

cv::Rodgrigues( axis_skewed, R )


// here's Rodrigues $R = $eye3 + sin($angle)*$axis_skewed + (1-cos($angle))*$axis_skewed*$axis_skewed;

This is just a shortcut for: R = exponential_of_matrix( axis_skewed )

e.g. in matlab you'd use expm( axis_skewed ). There's just an analytic formula to write down the answer; alternatively you could do R = I + axis_skewed + axis_skewed / 2 + ... + axis_skewed ^ N / (N factorial) for a bunch of terms and get the same answer.

Then of course wikipedia expands on the math a bit more than above:

The OpenCV version of your code above, in C++/C, from

const double I[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 };

        double c = cos(theta);
        double s = sin(theta);
        double c1 = 1. - c;
        double itheta = theta ? 1./theta : 0.;

        rx *= itheta; ry *= itheta; rz *= itheta;

        double rrt[] = { rx*rx, rx*ry, rx*rz, rx*ry, ry*ry, ry*rz, rx*rz, ry*rz, rz*rz };
        double _r_x_[] = { 0, -rz, ry, rz, 0, -rx, -ry, rx, 0 };
        double R[9];
        CvMat matR = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, R );

        // R = cos(theta)*I + (1 - cos(theta))*r*rT + sin(theta)*[r_x]
        // where [r_x] is [0 -rz ry; rz 0 -rx; -ry rx 0]
        for( k = 0; k < 9; k++ )
            R[k] = c*I[k] + c1*rrt[k] + s*_r_x_[k];

I suggest you svn checkout OpenCV, build it, then make a test for yourself to verify cv::Rodrigues gives you the same answer as your other code, then port the function to your C++ project. It would be even easier to just link to opencv, but maybe you don't want to do that.

peter karasev
Where can I get the OpenCV's cv::Rodrigues function from? Do you have a link?
@peter - sorry to sound like a newbie but I really don't understand the level of math you speak of. Can you please explain in simple code terms what I'm supposed to be doing?
header file: CV_IMPL int cvRodrigues2( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst, CvMat* jacobian )
peter karasev
@peter - What are the inputs and outputs to this function? I need inputs of 2 points/vectors, and outputs of euler angles.