I'm using Core Data + sqlite as a data cache. The app reads in a file into core data, then uses Core Data to run the app. Saves are done to both the NSManagedObjectContext and to the file. I've noticed, though, if I quit the app and reload it without repopulating the Core Data database, some (but not all) of the data saved using -save: is not being saved to the data store.
Changes to my managed object are all done in a single batch on the main thread, with the -save: message being sent after all changes are completed. The data that isn't being saved is a transformable attribute, the only transformable attribute in the core data object. Here's the code that saves the object:
NSInteger columnIndex = [headers indexOfObject:questionID];
if (NSNotFound != columnIndex) {
// parsedLine is a mutable array already
NSMutableArray *parsedLine = person.dataFromFile.parsedLine;
[parsedLine replaceObjectAtIndex:columnIndex withObject:answer];
person.dataFromFile.parsedLine = parsedLine;
person.questionsAnsweredByPerson = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[FileParser questionsAnsweredInRow:person.dataFromFile.parsedLine withRowHeaders:headers]];
person.address.street.questionsAnsweredByPeopleOnStreet = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[self questionsAnsweredByPeopleOnStreet]];
//NSLog(@"rawLineBefore:\n%@", person.dataFromFile.rawLine);
person.dataFromFile.rawLine = [ReconstructCSV composeCSVLineFromArray:person.dataFromFile.parsedLine];
//NSLog(@"rawLineAfter:\n%@", person.dataFromFile.rawLine);
Voter_SurveyAppDelegate *appDelegate = (Voter_SurveyAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
NSError *error;
NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext = [appDelegate managedObjectContext];
if (![managedObjectContext save:&error]) {
// XXX inform the user there was a fatal error opening the file. Low disk space?
NSLog(@"Unresolved error - could not save managedObjectContext - %@, %@", error, [error userInfo]);
return YES;
abort(); is not getting called, so I assume -save; is getting called properly.
I doubt it is related, but after this code is run on the main thread, I perform an NSFetchRequest using a new NSManagedObjectContext on a different thread. Nothing else takes place related to Core Data on other threads.
Why isn't the transformable attribute getting saved?