




JSP Page


<script type="text/javascript">
                var far=document.getElementById("oo")
                far.addEventListener("load", function (){
                var svgDoc=far.contentDocument;
                var svgRoot=svgDoc.documentElement;

                var g = svgDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g");
                g.setAttribute('id', 'group');
                g.setAttribute('shape-rendering', 'inherit');
                g.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'all');

                var use = svgDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "use")
                use.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", "#g1")
                use.setAttributeNS(null,"id", "u")

                var create_bar=svgDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "rect")
                create_bar.setAttribute("id", "r_bar")
                create_bar.setAttribute("fill", "cream")
                create_bar.setAttribute("x", "300px")
                create_bar.setAttribute("y", "50px")
                create_bar.setAttribute("width", "100px")
                create_bar.setAttribute("height", "30px")
                create_bar.setAttribute("pointer-events", "inherit")

                var cir = svgDoc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle");
                cir.setAttribute( "id","cir")
                cir.setAttribute( "cx","320px")
                cir.setAttribute( "cy","65px")
                cir.setAttribute( "r","10px")
                cir.setAttribute('fill', 'red')
                cir.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'inherit')

                var btn_id=document.getElementById('bar2')
                    var a=svgDoc.getElementById('r_bar')
                    var b=svgDoc.getElementById('group')
                    var c=svgDoc.getElementById('cir')
                    var d=svgDoc.getElementById('u')



<input type="button" id="bar" value="Ribbon_Bar">
<input type="button" id="bar2" value="ID">

+2  A: 

I think this is the cause of the error:


The proper syntax is:

use.setAttributeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href", "#g1")

Basically you're missing a hashmark for the link, and you should use the namespace-aware setAttributeNS.

Regarding setAttribute, you should be aware that using prefixes there is not recommended. From DOM 3 Core (the last paragraph in that section):

DOM Level 1 methods are namespace ignorant. Therefore, while it is safe to use these methods when not dealing with namespaces, using them and the new ones at the same time should be avoided.

Erik Dahlström
i have update the code Erik but still not progress...! i have chnge the code and update the new one..please have a look ...Kindly
I can't tell without having the entire context around the snippet you've given. Have you checked that your onclick-function is being called?
Erik Dahlström
Erik,Here is the gist of the functionality I want to incorporate in the web application.With the mouse, the user can draw a rectangle around svg objects, thereby selecting all the objects. All these objects will be grouped together then and if the user desires, he can move the group to another position and all the objects inside the group would move in unison (maintaining their distance from/to eachother).Hope this sketches out the kind of functionality I am trying to implement.
Where's the surrounding html+scripts? If you're trying to capture mouse events on an `<object>` or `<embed>` tag for example then that's not going to work. Does your onclick handler get called? (verify e.g with an alert).
Erik Dahlström
<body> <object id="oo" data="Dynamic_grouping.svg" style="position:fixed;width: 900px;height:750px;bottom: -220px;right: 180px;"> </object> </body>
yes my onlick handler is called.....! it working correctly . i think there is a problem in some Dynamic creation little bit problem....!
on Dynamic creation my rectangle and circle are also created but are not grouped..!
I don't see any element with id="g1", so the 'use' element won't show anything. What do you mean the rect and the circle are not grouped?
Erik Dahlström
yes they are not grouped..! i want to group them both with each other...
this was mistakenly happened, i have replace #g t0 #group..!
i want to group the rect and cicrle dynamically..! using <g> dynamically...!
All the elements are created as they should (dynamically). Maybe your shapes are not within the visible area? Or maybe I just don't understand the question, in which case I'd encourage you to try to explain more (not here, but in the question above).
Erik Dahlström