



I think it is possible to write a TDI-Application with MFCs CPropertySheet class. Is this the right way to do it, or is there a standard way with not using this class?

It should also be possible to include a status-, menu- and toolbar into the application.


+1  A: 

No, this is a bad idea.

If you have VS2008 (with MFC Feature Pack) or above then when you make a new MFC MDI application, it will do all the hard work of creating a TDI interface for you.

See here for a tutorial.

Thanks for your help, i was wondering why my question doesn't get any attention (except your answer). Was it the wrong time i wrote it or a bad title or is nobody using mfc any more, hmm no idea. Regarding your answer: I'm thinking about using VS2008 but there are some dependencies to libraries compiled with VC 6.0 (different time_t type 32/64 bit) and i don't like to struggle with that.
Christian Ammer
"Nobody using MFC any more" - I'd say that's fairly accurate nowadays, compared with 10yrs ago anyway. I can't see anything obviously wrong with your question, it's fine.