After adding a destination(Queue) to Destination Resources from Admin Console at Resources/JMS Resources/Destination Resources, no physical destinations are displayed at server(Admin Server)/JMS Physical Destinations .Instead, the following error message is displayed below the heading:
An error has occured
Unable to list JMS Destinations
Also, on trying to add a new Physical Destination at server(Admin Server)/JMS Physical Destinations, of type 'Queue', following error message is displayed:
An error has occured
Unable to create JMS Destination
On trying to add a Physical Destination using asadmin in command-line as:
asadmin> create-jmsdest -T queue DemoQueue
the following error is displayed:
remote failure: Unable to create JMS Destination.
Command create-jmsdest failed.
Here, GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1-b24 is run on Ubuntu with kernel 2.6.28-11-server.
Any help is appreciated.