



I want to write a custom class that behaves like dict - so, I am inheriting from dict.

My question though is that do I need to create a private dict member in my init() method?. I dont see the point of this, since I already have the dict behaviour if I simply inherit from dict.

Can anyone point out why most of the inheritance snippets look like this:

class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      self._mydict = {} 

   # other methods follow

Instead of the simpler

class CustomDictTwo(dict):
   def __init__(self):
      # initialize my other stuff here ...

   # other methods follow

Actually, I think I suspect the answer to the question - is so that users cannot directly access your dictionary - i.e. they have to use the access methods that you have provided.

However, what about the array access operator [], how would one implement that - so far, I have not seen an example that shows how to override the [] operator.

So if an [] access function is not provided in the custom class, the inherited base methos will be operating on a different dictionary?

I tried the following snippet to test out my understanding of Python inheritance

class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(self, id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123)
print md[id]

I got the following error:

KeyError: < built-in function id>

What is wrong with the code above?

How do I correct the class myDict so that I can write code like this:

md = myDict()
md['id'] = 123


I have edited the code sample above to get rid of the silly error I made before I dashed away from my desk. It was a typo (I should have spotted it from the error message).

+4  A: 

Check the documentation on emulating container types. In your case, the first parameter to add should be self.


You need to add self:

def add(self, id, val):
    self._dict[id] = val
Andrew Sledge
+2  A: 

Use UserDict rather than inheriting from dict and i think all your problem will be solve , if you want more detail on this let me know :)

you can see this for more detail about the advantage of UserDict :

The need for this class [UserDict] has been largely supplanted by the ability to subclass directly from dict (a feature that became available starting with Python version 2.2). from
There is no point in extending UserDict instead of dict in this code - the op code is fundamentally flawed in several aspects, and just changing the superclass does not perform any magic.
+1  A: 

The problem with this chunk of code:

class myDict(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = {}

    def add(id, val):
        self._dict[id] = val

md = myDict()
md.add('id', 123) that your 'add' method (...and any method you want to be a member of a class) needs to have an explicit 'self' declared as its first argument, like:

def add(self, 'id', 23):

To implement the operator overloading to access items by key, look in the docs for the magic methods __getitem__ and __setitem__.

Note that because Python uses Duck Typing, there may actually be no reason to derive your custom dict class from the language's dict class -- without knowing more about what you're trying to do (e.g, if you need to pass an instance of this class into some code someplace that will break unless isinstance(MyDict(), dict) == True), you may be better off just implementing the API that makes your class sufficiently dict-like and stopping there.

Note that the link that @singularity posted includes some cases where deriving your class from dict or UserDict do make sense -- again, the best choice depends on your actual application.
+1  A: 

Like this

class CustomDictOne(dict):
   def __init__(self,*arg,**kw):
      super(  CustomDictOne, self )( *arg, **kw )

Now you can use the built-in functions, like dict.get() as self.get().

You do not need to wrap a hidden self._dict. Your class already is a dict.

This. There's no point in inheriting from ``dict`` without calling its constructor first.