



Is there a list of default APPDATA directories each version of Windows? (XP & up)

I need to know the default directory each OS will return for the following call:

SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE , &pidl );
+2  A: 

There isn't really a simple answer to make into a list even for just english installs.

Here are some examples I just pulled from a few machines.

Windows 7 - C:\Users\TestUser\AppData\Roaming
2K8 - C:\Users\TestUser\AppData\Roaming
Vista - C:\Users\TestUser\AppData\Roaming
XP - C:\Documents and Settings\TestUser\Application Data
2K3 - C:\Documents and Settings\TestUser\Application Data

you will get different answers for when you Roam or not, when you use a remote desktop etc.

Greg Domjan
Are these Home or Professional versions? Since XP, those are distinct releases.
These are from Professional or Ultimate, don't have any home ones.
Greg Domjan