



1) if(null != parentObj.childObj)

2) if(parentObj.childObj != null)

Do you think that "1" will avoid a potential null pointer exception in the case where 'parentObj' is null, in contrast to "2"?

+5  A: 


If parentObj is null then any attempt to call a method or reference a field will result in a NullPointerExcepton. != always evaluates both sides.

Just check if parentObj is null first and handle it appropriately.

Cameron Skinner
+4  A: 

Why not just if(parentObj != null && parentObj.childObj != null) ?

That's what the OP is asking. He's looking to avoid the wordiness of the check.
Tony Ennis
@Tony Ennis. 1) That's not how I read the question. 2) Anyway, the answer is that he can't, and @irrelephant's answer provides him with the sanest alternative.
Stephen C

If parentObj is null, referencing any method/field on parentObj will result in an NPE. In other words, you need if (parentObj != null && parentObj.childObj != null) to avoid an NPE. Groovy cuts down on this (very common) type of verbosity with the safe navigation operator, which lets you write if (parentObj?.childObj).

Yevgeniy Brikman
At one point, the safe navigation operator or something similar might have made it into Java 7 via project Coin. But it didn't make the cut; see
Stephen C