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The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List

I want to learn to program in c++, currently i find difficult to make programs and design a structured one. I want to learn how to develop good logic for the programs , as well as i want to learn all the nuances of c++ language.Please tell me as to what i should do to improve on my programming and good book to learn c++!


I'd definitely have a look at the books by Scott Meyers, effective c++ and more effective c++. These books are a gold mine of good information about c++ best practices.

Also highly recommend the Design Patterns book by Gamma Helm Johnson and Vlissides. It's really dry but has great info.

_Effective C++_ was written with the aim of providing the best _second_ C++ book money can buy. IMO Scott achieved this goal. It's not a good book to _start learning C++_, though. And the GoF book (aka _Designs Patterns_) is no C++ book at all.