



I have an iPhone application that initially had only English and German localizations. I just added a French localization, but when I change the user language to French it still shows the German strings.

What could be causing this odd behavior?


Are you testing this on the simulator or the device? Often the localized folders (.lproj) directories aren't copied into the bundles during a clean build as they should - even with a 'Clean & Clean all targets'.

Ensure this happens correctly by deleting the app from the simulator (easiest way is to 'press and hold' on the app icon in the simulator, then delete). Also, ensure the simulator doesn't keep hold of the old app data by manually deleting the app.bundle dir from the iPhone simulator directory using Finder.

Build, clean, run. Should work properly then.

If not, make sure the fr.lproj exists in the bundle after the build.
