



Hi I have downloaded and installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows 7 Phone. Problem is that i cant see "Silverlight for Windows Phone" option when I right click my Project name and select Add -> New Item option. I can only see "XNA Game Studio 4.0" under "Visual C#" category. I have tried installing Silverlight SDK separately by downloading it from Microsoft site but the installer tells me that i have already installed the newer version of the SDK. Due to this problem i cant use few silverlight classes like ChildWindow etc... Can anyone please help me in this regard?

Best Regards


The instructions at say

Make sure you have downloaded and installed the Windows Phone Developer Tools from the App Hub.

So my advice is to make sure you've done that.

Kate Gregory
Yes i had downloaded the complete tools package from microsoft. When i try reinstalling the silverlight sdk, its says that i have already silverlight installed on my machine.