I'm looking for a note-taking application for Windows.. something similar to Tomboy Notes (on Ubuntu). I want it to be as unobtrusive and simple as Tomboy. But every such app i've used on windows was either too high on features (with web syncing and all) or was too lame. Any recommendations?
9I have tried EverNote.. its too feature rich. I just want a simple app which gets things done.
2008-12-31 10:18:13
On the other hand EverNot has an excellent iPhone client!
2008-12-31 12:49:51
Did you see this: http://live.gnome.org/Tomboy/Win32 ?
Or use plain text (I use Vim, with the Viki plugin. It's just works (tm) ).
Zsolt Botykai
2008-12-31 10:06:48
You didn't say it had to be free... I've been using OneNote 2007 for the last 6 months and its been so good I paid for the extra licences to install it on all my computers. It was well worth every penny. Try the trial, and if you like it you can sometimes find OEM versions on Amazon cheap.
2008-12-31 18:31:28
Try PersonalBrain...it doesn't look like a wiki at first, but that's essentially what it is. The free version will probably suffice for what you want. It's also great for storing links.
2008-12-31 11:08:58
You could also use TiddlyWiki. It's built in to your browser, since it's just HTML/Javascript...
2008-12-31 18:17:00
Have you tried Google Notebook? Simple, to the point, searchable, and accessable from any platform with a web connection.
2008-12-31 18:33:40
Tomboy IS available for Windows. I tried it a while ago, but quickly went back to OneNote. I don't think OneNote is the perfect solution, but it's the best I've used. For me, it is the killer app for the Tablet PC.
2009-06-03 19:42:32