




I've gotten the "Cannot change the ActiveConnection property of a Recordset object which has a Command object as its source" error in my classic asp page a couple of times, usually after I've just changed a stored procedure.

In the past, uninstalling and reinstalling the COM+ applications and a reset of IIS has seemed to fix this problem. I'd assumed that the old ActiveConnection property was somehow being held in memory and the workaround was flushing it out. Today, no such luck.

So my first question is, "What does this error actually mean?" The second question is, "How do I fix it?"

I've tried consulting the following links, but as a COM+ novice this is currently over my head.

http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web_Development/Web_Languages-Standards/ASP/Q_20626178.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee275490(BTS.10).aspx

+1  A: 

This error is most commonly associated with a stored procedure returning more than one result set, or returning rowcounts (try adding set rowcount off at the top of the procedure.)

Did you make any recent changes to the database? If so, those changes would be a good place to start looking.

P.S. I'm amazed that you have a COM+ application that's actually used in 2010. Phase that crap out as fast as you can :)

+1 for the P.S. Although I think the answer to "What does this mean?" is "Time to move to .Net"
Chris Lively
Moving to .NET is something I'd like to do, but it is hard to identify good places to refactor the existing codebase.
Thomas Langston