



Hi, I work with a team that develops MPI-based C++ numerical applications. The group uses cxxtest for constructing individual unit tests or small suites, but 1) there are some complications aggregating across directories with cxxtest's usual features and 2) there are some integration tests that are simply easier to implement "from the outside" by launching mpirun from a single python thread.

We would like to use py.test as the glue that holds this together, since it advertises itself as being able to run non-python tests (I could be convinced to jump to nose).

Can anyone get me started on the best practice for doing this? Again, since it seems to be one of the advertised features of py.test I'd love to go about it the way that was originally envisioned.




There are some examples out in the wild. As it happens, I am currently revamping the pytest docs, planned to be released with the soon coming pytest-2.0 release. Motivated by your question i extracted this self-contained yaml example . This example should work with py-1.3.4 as well.

Otherwise, I am not familiar with cxx usage. If you encounter issues or have further questions you may subscribe to and ask at or join #pylib on

cheers, holger
