



What's the purpose of this pattern? What is it called? It looked very strange when I saw it the first time, though I have now seen it many times.

template<typename Derived>
struct Base {

struct Example : Base<Example> {
+4  A: 

Curiously Recurring Template Pattern, or CRTP as we call it.

Roger Pate
First answer by 4 seconds; you guys are slacking!
Roger Pate
+6  A: 

It's called the Curiously Recurring Template pattern, and allows for static polymorphism.

It's useful when you want to add functionality to a specific class, but want the utility to be usable in a generic case. By making the utility dependent on and use a template parameter, you can achieve both.

+3  A: 

I think you are reffering to CRTP. Also refer here

@Thomson Tan: Note carefully about @GMan's point about static polymorphism. That's an important point. It provides for simulating virtual function calls from the base class without the overhead of virtual functions (if that is important)