Can some one tell me a valid way to validate a number present in CString object as either a valid integer or floating number?
bool IsValidInt(const CString& text, long& value)
LPCTSTR ptr = (LPCTSTR) text;
LPTSTR endptr;
value = _tcstol(ptr, &endptr, 10);
return (endptr - ptr == text.GetLength());
bool IsValidFloat(const CString& text, double& value)
LPCTSTR ptr = (LPCTSTR) text;
LPTSTR endptr;
value = _tcstod(ptr, &endptr);
return (endptr - ptr == text.GetLength());
EDIT: Modified the code to follow @MSalters's suggestion below.
Frédéric Hamidi
2010-10-27 06:07:58
It's often useful to capture the result as well. Most of the times you intend to use the numerical value if it validated.
2010-10-27 08:31:20