



I haven't seen any port of the cairo graphics library to AS3. Would it be possible to implement cairo solutions through Alchemy? Other possibilities?


You should check the spark skinning and drawing style.

Adrian Pirvulescu
Hi Adrian! Spark skinning and drawing style to use cario in AS3..? Don't think so... I guess that you answered another question: "How do I draw graphic primitives in Flex?" or something like that... :-)
All I wanted to say is to use something else instead. I think there is no cairo library in as3. Also you may want to check out degrafa. maybe that cal help you.. or not!? anyway I just love spending my time trying to help people and getting -minus ratings. But that's how people are >:-|
Adrian Pirvulescu
Hi Adrian! The reason I asked for cairo is... well, cairo! One single solution to handle top quality pdf, svg, bitmaps etc. As3/Flex solutions (including FXG and Degrafa) are great for handling on-screen stuff, and my needs go beyond that.
Adrian Pirvulescu
Hello aganin, Adrian! Thank you about your information and concerns in this! :-) Still, the reason that I asked for a port of, or a way to use, Cairo is Cairo! When I ask for Cairo, why should I google for Degrafa? :-) Sorry for minus rating (a bit of overreacting from my side). I just made sure that you got an extra plus for another of your answers! Cheers!