




I have a simple delete procedure which is using na cursor. I read somewhere that table vars should be preferred to cursors.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SMTAPP.LF_PLAN_VYMAZ (Str_oz varchar2, Num_rok number, Num_mesiac number, Str_s_trc_id varchar2) IS
    var_LF_PLAN_ID Number(20);
    cursor cur_plan is select id from lp_plan where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   select ID into var_LF_PLAN_ID from lf_plan where oz=Str_oz and rok=Num_rok and mesiac=Num_mesiac and s_trc_id=Str_s_trc_id;
   for c1 in cur_plan loop
        delete from LP_PLAN_DEN where lp_plan_id=c1.id;
   end loop;
   delete from LP_PLAN where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LP_PLAN_HIST where LF_PLAN_ID=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LF_PLAN where id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
+2  A: 

I don't know what a "table var" is (I have a feeling it is a SQL Server term?) but I would not use a cursor here, I would do this:

   (Str_oz varchar2, Num_rok number, Num_mesiac number, Str_s_trc_id varchar2)
    var_LF_PLAN_ID Number(20);
   select ID into var_LF_PLAN_ID
   from lf_plan
   where oz=Str_oz and rok=Num_rok and mesiac=Num_mesiac
   and s_trc_id=Str_s_trc_id;

   delete from LP_PLAN_DEN where lp_plan_id in 
      (select id from lp_plan where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID);
   delete from LP_PLAN where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LP_PLAN_HIST where LF_PLAN_ID=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LF_PLAN where id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;

EDIT: "Table var" is indeed a SQL Server concept

I would code this as shown above, however since you specifically want to see how to do it with a collection, here is another way that uses one:

   (Str_oz varchar2, Num_rok number, Num_mesiac number, Str_s_trc_id varchar2)
    var_LF_PLAN_ID Number(20);
    TYPE id_table IS TABLE OF lp_plan.id%TYPE;
    var_ids id_table_type;
   select ID into var_LF_PLAN_ID
   from lf_plan
   where oz=Str_oz and rok=Num_rok and mesiac=Num_mesiac
   and s_trc_id=Str_s_trc_id;

   select id from lp_plan 
   bulk collect into var_ids
   where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;

   forall i in var_ids.FIRST..var_ids.LAST
     delete from LP_PLAN_DEN where lp_plan_id = var_ids(i);

   delete from LP_PLAN where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LP_PLAN_HIST where LF_PLAN_ID=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
   delete from LF_PLAN where id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;

This will probably not perform as well as the previous method.

Tony Andrews
It has a oracle equivalent Table Type, have you heard about it ?
No, can you post the URL for a definition of that?
Tony Andrews
I read about it in this thread http://stackoverflow.com/questions/670461/does-oracle-have-an-equivalent-of-sql-servers-table-variables/670481#670481
Maybe you mean collections? e.g. "TYPE mytab_type IS TABLE OF mytab%ROWTYPE; l_mytab mytab_type;". If so I don't see how they would be helpful here.
Tony Andrews
OK, so you do mean what I said in my last comment. Not helpful for your code though.
Tony Andrews
I've read a post, where they were saying: "Use table vars/collection instead of cursors" and I saw in my proc a cursor. Therefore I was wondering if this proc could be rewritten :-)
Yes it can as I showed - but a collection would not have been helpful - possible, but not helpful. However I will update my answer to show you how a collection COULD be used.
Tony Andrews
Thank you for your examples. Last question :-) Would you prefer to use collection over cursors ?
Not as a matter of course, no. I would prefer to use neither (see my first example). Sometimes you need a cursor to process a lot of data, and then it can be helpful to ALSO use collections for bulk processing in batches (FETCH cur BULK COLLECT INTO col LIMIT n).
Tony Andrews

Perhaps not directly relevant to the point of the question, but...

I would do it as Tony suggests in most cases; but if I found myself in a situation where the cursor version was needed so some other processing could be done based on each deleted row, I'd use the FOR UPDATE and WHERE CURRENT OF functionality:

    Num_mesiac number, Str_s_trc_id varchar2)
    var_LF_PLAN_ID Number(20);
    cursor cur_plan is
        select id from lp_plan where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID for update;
    select ID into var_LF_PLAN_ID
    from lf_plan
    where oz=Str_oz and rok=Num_rok and mesiac=Num_mesiac and s_trc_id=Str_s_trc_id;

    for c1 in cur_plan loop
        delete from LP_PLAN_DEN where current of cur_plan;
    end loop;

    delete from LP_PLAN where lf_plan_id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
    delete from LP_PLAN_HIST where LF_PLAN_ID=var_LF_PLAN_ID;
    delete from LF_PLAN where id=var_LF_PLAN_ID;

This would lock the rows you're interested it, and can make the intent of the delete clearer.

Alex Poole
Why would be the need to use a cursor in this situation ? I thought cursors should be used as the last option, because of their locking problems.
In this situation I wouldn't, as I said I'd use Tony's subquery. But if I had to do something else inside the loop - even a dbms_output of the ID being deleted - I'd prefer to use for update/where current of. Not quite sure what you mean about locking issues - you're deleting the rows so why is locking them early a bad thing?
Alex Poole