



I have a for loop that iterates through an XML document and finds a specified attribute, the pointer that points to the current node sits inside a boost::interprocess::unique_ptr and has a custom deletor to call the object's release() function. It seems that on every loop iteration the pointer gets deleted, but the release() function throws when that happens.

Could anyone suggest a solution? I thought about implementing a mechanism to check if it should be deleted, but I'm not sure how I'd do that...


typedef bi::unique_ptr<DOMNodeIterator, release_deleter> iterator_ptr;
typedef bi::unique_ptr<DOMNode, release_deleter> node_ptr;

iterator_ptr itera(document->createNodeIterator(rootelement, DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ALL, NULL, true));

for(node_ptr current(itera->nextNode()); current != 0; current.reset(itera->nextNode())) // throws after one iteration...


objects release()

void DOMElementNSImpl::release()
    if (fNode.isOwned() && !fNode.isToBeReleased())
        throw DOMException(DOMException::INVALID_ACCESS_ERR,0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager);  // throws here if released after each loop iteration

    DOMDocumentImpl* doc = (DOMDocumentImpl*) fParent.fOwnerDocument;
    if (doc) {
        fNode.callUserDataHandlers(DOMUserDataHandler::NODE_DELETED, 0, 0);
        doc->release(this, DOMMemoryManager::ELEMENT_NS_OBJECT);
    else {
        // shouldn't reach here
        throw DOMException(DOMException::INVALID_ACCESS_ERR,0, GetDOMNodeMemoryManager);


struct release_deleter
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T* pPtr) const


virtual DOMNodeIterator *createNodeIterator(DOMNode* root,
                                            DOMNodeFilter::ShowType whatToShow,
                                            DOMNodeFilter* filter,
                                            bool entityReferenceExpansion) = 0;

virtual DOMNode*           nextNode() = 0;
+2  A: 

I don't have visual 2010 for compiling and debugging at work, on ly at home. so I cannot be sure.

But Frankly I really do not like the concept that your iterator owns your pointer.

Your collection owns the pointer, the iterator doesn't ! its not its role..

In C++0x there are an complement to shared_ptr that is std::weak_ptr that you can construct from shared_ptr , allowing to consult and change the data, but having nothing to do with ownership, except becoming more or less inaccessible when the pointer onwed by the shared_ptr is released.

I would use a sort of std::weak_ptr for your iterators. But for unique_ptr I would guess it is a simple pointer over your data that takes the role of weak reference.


DOMNodeIterator * pIter = document->createNodeIterator(rootelement, DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ALL, NULL, true);


while(true) // be careful to infinite loops
    DOMNode * pNode = pIter->nextNode();
    if (pNode==NULL)

    // ... your visiting the nodes here.
Stephane Rolland
so if I understand correctly, current should be a weak_ptr and the iterator can still be a unique_ptr?
compiled with VS2003, using boost, not C++0x
sorry weak_ptr are shared_ptr counterpart, not unique_ptr counter_part (I have edited my post). I would use a simple pointer.
Stephane Rolland
can you show me an example with the code i provided?
could you give me the prototype and implementation of `document->createNodeIterator` and `itera->nextNode`. I need to know precisely.
Stephane Rolland
edit your post and put them at the end
Stephane Rolland
@Stephane, I have put the signatures already... I will see if I can find implementation...
Do you use MSXML as an XML parser ?
Stephane Rolland
I'm using xerces-C++ and those functions I posted are part of that library. You can find it here:
hmm... let me think about it a moment. I may have been wrong in my answer :-)
Stephane Rolland
@Tony, I made a proposal in my answer, could you tell me if it works or not ? I have neither boost nor xerces to compile and to test...
Stephane Rolland
the last line upNode = upIter->nextNode(); does not compile because of incompatible types, nextNode() returns a raw pointer and upNode is a unique_ptr, so it tried with reset() but it does not like it. Same exception. I think deleting the node while in the loop might be the issue... What do you think?
hey hey :-) I give another try, tell me if my new proposal works :-)
Stephane Rolland
hey, thx for the effort, it looked promising, but when upNode goes out of scope we have the same problem. :(
Well I looked briefly at this IBM page about xerces, and at **none** of the call of createNodeIterator corresponds to any call to release() Surely the NodeIterator is part of the underlying collection, and the collection manage the scope of the NodeIterator.
Stephane Rolland
so this conversation was pointless, cause I don't need to use smart_ptrs and just stick with raw pointers?
Well, it is part of IBM guide to xerces... It should be truthful.
Stephane Rolland
So yes, the conversion was pointless :-)
Stephane Rolland