



I'd like to take a UITextView and allow the user to enter text into it and then trigger a copy of the contents onto a quartz bitmap context. Does anyone know how I can perform this copy action? Should I override the drawRect method and call [super drawRect] and then take the resulting context and copy it? If so, does anyone have any reference to sample code to copy from one context to another?

Update: from reading the link in the answer below, I put together this much to attempt to copy my UIView contents into a bitmap context, but something is still not right. I get my contents mirrored across the X axis (i.e. upside down). I tried using CGContextScaleCTM() but that seems to have no effect.

I've verified that the created UIImage from the first four lines do properly create a UIImage that isn't strangely rotated/flipped, so there is something I'm doing wrong with the later calls.

    // copy contents to bitmap context
    [mTextView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
    UIImage* image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();

    [self setNeedsDisplay];

    // render the created image to the bitmap context
    CGImageRef cgImage = [image CGImage];

    CGContextScaleCTM(mContext, 1.0, -1.0); // doesn't seem to change result

    CGContextDrawImage(mContext, CGRectMake(
        [image size].width, [image size].height), cgImage); 

Any suggestions?


Please see the related question: Is it what you want?

I'm not certain. I'd like to copy my UIView's contents onto a bitmap context, so not sure how the layer method renderInContext fits into this picture.