



Hi, I have TabBar app that loads several .xib files. In one of the views I am trying to load a modal view to compose an email in the app over the the view. I am using

- (IBAction)buttonPressed {

     MFMailComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init];
     [controller setSubject:@"Email Subject"];
     [controller setMessageBody:@"Email Messgae" isHTML:NO];
     [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
     [controller release];

I it has worked with several new view-based apps I built but not with the TabBar app. Whenever I try to run the action, nothing happens. Is there something I'm missing or am I going about it the wrong way? Thanks! If the answer is simple, sorry, I'm still learning!

EDIT: Additional info: rebuilt it and it now crashes when the action is run.


2 things

[1] NSLOG a message in the above and see if its actually linked (the log message should appear in the console)

[2] If it crashes, paste in a crash log

