




I'm trying to build an application that uses QTKit, with some compress options. I saw this example in the apple developer page QTCompressionOptionsWindow that uses a Window for that purpose.

in MyController.m line 65 there is a comment:

// ******** Compression Options Window *****

// create our window with the media type and set ourselves as the delegate
// you could also instantiate the window directly in the nib and hook up the delegate
// simply call showWindow or setMediaType if you want to change the list of compression options shown
mCompressionOptionsWindow = [[QTCompressionOptionsWindow alloc] initWithMediaType:[[[mCaptureMovieFileOutput connections] lastObject] mediaType]];
if (nil == mCompressionOptionsWindow) {
    NSLog(@"Compression Options Window did not load!\n");
[mCompressionOptionsWindow setDelegate:self];

Can someone explain me what it's the author trying to explain

"you could instantiate the window directly in the nib"

?. He does have a nib with the QTCompressionOptionsWindow

Thanks for your replies