I'm not very good in the code for objective-c but i've learn java and sort and i know it's kinda different.
Questions i would like to brought up is:
Between creating the database on iPhone itself using SQLite or accessing a database online through web services.
Any tutorial to recommend?
Do i really need to purchase the licence key US$99 in order to upload to my iPhone for testing?
Can the SDK simulator itself connect to online database?
i'm currently using SDK 3.1.3 due to my MAC OS X is 10.5.8 and should i upgrade to snow leopard as us there any good stuff that i would miss on the iOS SDK 4
NOTES: my application would be something like
DBS / citibank SG / foursquare that require login and sorts.
I have 4 more months before i need to hand up this as my final year project.
I would be appreciated if anyone can give me a little help.
I wont be asking you people to give me the "CODE" on how to do the stuff.. i need a light to show me the way
thank you!