I'm running a script made in Groovy from Soap UI and the script needs to generate lots of files. Those files have also in the name two numbers from a list (all the combinations in that list are different), and there are 1303 combinations available and the script generates just 1235 files.
A part of the code is:
filename = groovyUtils.projectPath + "\\" + "$file"+"_OK.txt";
targetFile = new File(filename);
where $file is actually that part of the file name which include those 2 combinations from that list:
file = "abc" + "-$firstNumer"+"_$secondNumber"
For those file which are not created is a message returned:"The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect".
I've tried puting another path:
filename = "D:\\rez\\" + "\\" + "$file"+"_OK.txt";
targetFile = new File(filename);
and also:
File parentFolder = new File("D:\\rez\\");
File targetFile = new File(parentFolder, "$file"+"_OK.txt");
(which I've found here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/131901/what-are-possible-reasons-for-java-io-ioexception-the-filename-directory-name) but nothing worked.
I have no ideea where the problem is. Is strange that 1235 files are created ok, and the rest of them, 68 aren't created at all.