



I'm a good programmer, but I have zero network experience.

Basically, I'd like to get into client-server networking. For example, I'd like to try getting a server process going which allows clients to connect over the internet and send pings to all of the other connected clients. Then maybe I'll try developing a simple chat client, or some simple multiplayer game and I'll go from there.

Languages I know very well that might be useful: Java, C++, C.

How do I get started? I want to learn best-practices up front, so good learning resources you can recommend (eg books, online materials, etc) would be great.

Edit: Should I also look into some kind of VM to emulate various machines interacting with each other?

Edit 2: I've put up a 50-rep bounty. Some great answers have been put up so far - I'm looking for more detailed answers though, so hopefully this will encourage that. For example an answer by someone with experience in this type of stuff that compares different learning approaches would be really helpful. Thanks! Also could I get some feedback on the whole VM thing?

+5  A: 

Beej's guide to Network Programming is absolutely resounding. Used it at University.

It covers the Sockets API and I remember it using C++ for the code examples.

Also Computer Networks by Tannenbaum is an excellent read too.

In fact I have some old client and server code...Its from my Uni days, not the best code ever, but might be helpful too!
I had a brief look at this (web) book, and while I recognised the content I wouldn't think it the best order for a beginner to learn about IP based client server networking. IMNSHO
Greg Domjan
Some of the other aspects asked by the OP mentioned may be useful (some simple client and server programs for example) I did have the book mentioned in my answer as a companion though.
+1  A: 

For Java I'd recommend to pass standard networking tutorial: It describes basic networking concepts and provides number of examples.

+1  A: 

Do start with the basics but then you should take a look at what is really used (in Java):

  1. For socket programming use Apache Mina.
  2. Modern client server apps use REST: Jersey, RESTeasy (both JAX-RS complient) and Restlet (pioneer in this field).
Peter Knego
+2  A: 

In my opinion you should start by learning how to use sockets, let's say, in C, UNIX (any online tutorial will be suitable, or use "man"). And only after that you can google for language/OS specific libraries and choose whatever you'd like or whatever would fit better your needs.

LE: You can always test your applications on the same machine.

Victor Z.
+3  A: 

I couldn't recommend book by Richard Stevens more.

Victor Sorokin
+2  A: 

If you know nothing about TCP/IP, I'd start off with Douglas E. Comer's awesome book: TCP/IP Volume 1.

You don't need to read all of it, there's lots of useful stuff in there.

Once you've covered that, look at one of the several open source networking implementations, such as boost asio. IMHO this is the easiest networking library to get up and running. Once this has piqued your interest further, then start to investigate some of the lower level socket details. Btw, brumScouse already mentioned Beej's guide, this is also a very good resource.

And then when you are further along, and you want more: google C10K! ;)

Would you say Beej's guide falls under the scope of 'lower level socket details'?
Let's just say, that guide is about the fundamental sockets api; libraries like asio or ACE or whatever simply wrap the functionality exposed by the sockets api and give you nice abstractions to work with. So in that sense it is slightly "lower level", but at the same time it is very useful knowledge to have so that you know how the abstractions work. The reason I mention the abstractions first is that it hides a lot of implementation detail that you could get lost in...
+6  A: 

I prefer Java. I'm going to explain TCP:
The basic concept is that you have to run a "Server" on a machine. That server accepts clients waiting for a connection. Each connection goes over a port (you know, I hope...).
Always use ports above 1024 because ports lower than 1025 are most of the time reserved for standard protocols (like HTTP (80), FTP (21), Telnet, ...)

However, creating a Server in Java is done this way:

ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(8888); // 8888 is the port the server will listen on.

"Socket" is the word you are probably looking for if you want to do research.
And to connect your client to a server you have to write this:

Socket connectionToTheServer = new Socket("localhost", 8888); // First param: server-address, Second: the port

But now, there isn't still a connection. The server has to accept the waiting client (as I noticed here above):

Socket connectionToTheClient = server.accept();

Done! Your connection is established! Communicating is just like File-IO. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you have to decide when you want to flush the buffer and really send the data through the socket.
Using a PrintStream for text-writing is very handy:

OutputStream out = yourSocketHere.getOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(out, true); // Second param: auto-flush on write = true
ps.println("Hello, Other side of the connection!");
// Now, you don't have to flush it, because of the auto-flush flag we turned on.

A BufferedReader for text-reading is the good (best*) option:

InputStream in = yourSocketHere.getInputStream();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
String line = br.readLine();
System.out.println(line); // Prints "Hello, Other side of the connection!", in this example (if this would be the other side of the connection.

Hopefully you can start with networking with this information!
PS: Of course, all networking code have to be try-catched for IOExceptions.

EDIT: I forgot to write why it isn't always the best option. A BufferedReader uses a buffer and read as much as it can into the buffer. But sometimes you don't want that the BufferedReader steals the bytes after the newline and put them into his own buffer.
Short example:

InputStream in = socket.getInputStream();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
// The other side says hello:
String text = br.readLine();
// For whatever reason, you want to read one single byte from the stream,
// That single byte, just after the newline:
byte b = (byte);

But the BufferedReader has already that byte, you want to read, in his buffer. So calling will return the byte following on the last byte in the buffer of the reader.

So, in this situation the best solution is to use DataInputStream and manage it your own way to know how long the string will be and read only that number of bytes and convert them into a string. Or: You use


This method doesn't use a buffer and reads byte by byte and checks for a newline. So this method doesn't steal the bytes from the underlying InputStream.

Martijn Courteaux
+4  A: 

If you're using C++ I would highly recommend that you look at using Boost.Asio it's a great asynchronous networking library that will have you reaching you're goals a LOT faster than using sockets directly.

Obviously it's a great idea to learn the network stuff from the ground up, but I think that it is highly beneficial to do that with a good (and easy to use) library to back you up so you can get results too.

+3  A: 
  1. Understand the basic concepts about networking. Layers, IP Addresses, Ports, Packets [ Specifically UDP/TCP ]

  2. Learn programming abstractions about [1], like Sockets.

  3. Implement the "Server" and the "Client" yourself.

  4. Test it.

  5. Install Wireshark on your computer, and look for the IP addresses, Types of packets, the port numbers etc that are sent for each type of activity.

  6. Build on the knowledge by using the Networking API's of Java/.Net/C++. It's probably a very bad idea to build everything from scratch.



C++ : Unix Network Programming by Richard Stevens

Hope it helps.